
101 Dinosaur Trivia Questions To Prove You’re Ready For A Fossil Dig



August 22, 2022

What do the words deinos and sauros have in common? How long was the average Tyrannosaurus Rex tooth? Why did paleontologists discard the name Brontosaurus until about 2015? Who were the founders of English paleontology and fossil digging? What is remarkable about Therizinosaurus? Why is Oviraptor a misnomer for the small, dainty theropod? 

If you knew the answer to even one of these questions, this may be the perfect quiz for you.

Maybe your interest in these predecessors to today’s birds began recently. Maybe it was even sparked by Hollywood’s (often fanciful) depiction of these beasts. Or perhaps you’ve been attached to these marvelous creatures since childhood when you found a fossil in your backyard. 

Whenever your dino didactics started, all dinosaur fans and scholars are welcome to challenge themselves with our dinosaur trivia questions and answers. 

Let’s test your knowledge of the world of these enchanting animals! Or you’re feeling even more dangerous than a T-rex, try our nature quiz and trivia about animals.

Showing 101 Dinosaur trivia questions and answers

1. Who was the first person to suggest that T-rex was a scavenger rather than a hunter?

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2. Who created the film The Animal World, which featured stop motion animated sequence about dinosaurs?

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3. What is the shortest known ceratopsian?

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4. During the Triassic period, the continents were joined together in one giant landmass called what?

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5. Which dinosaur's name means 'emu mimic'?

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6. Which dinosaur's name means 'horned lizard'?

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1. Which museum features in the film One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing?

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2. Which of the following is a stage of a dinosaur fossil in taphonomy?

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3. What species of dinosaur is Dino from The Flintstones?

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4. Where were the first T-Rex fossils found?

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5. Which film features the first depiction of a Stegosaurus using its tail for defence?

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6. Who plays the role of Rex, a cowardly green Tyrannosaurus rex in Toy Story?

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1. Which of these is one of the twentieth century's main dinosaur experts?

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2. The oldest multi-celled fossils were found on which continent?

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3. Who played the role of Dr. Alan Grant in Jurassic Park?

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4. The TV show Walking with Dinosaurs was first shown on which channel?

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5. Who wrote the screenplay for Jurassic Park?

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6. What was the smallest dinosaur?

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1. Who played the role of Gerry Harding in Jurassic Park?

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2. Dinosaur fossils have been found on how many of the world's continents?

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3. Who played the role of Dr. Ellie Sattler in Jurassic Park?

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4. What does 'dinosaur' actually mean?

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5. Which TV show features Corythosaurus released from a preserved egg in 1988 California?

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6. Who plays the lead in the film Three Ages, which features dinosaurs?

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1. What is the officially designated state dinosaur of New Jersey?

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2. Adult Velociraptors are closest in height to which of the following?

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3. The first Velociraptor fossil was discovered in what year?

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4. Which of these is the name of a Disney film that features a dinosaur?

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5. What was the weight in pounds of a Tenontosaurus?

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6. Where have dinosaur remains not been found?

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1. What was the length in feet of a Pachycephalosaurus?

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2. Dinosaur fossils are found in greatest abundance in which of these deserts?

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3. What was the name of the longest dinosaur?

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4. Who was the cinematographer for the film Jurassic Park?

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5. What is the heaviest known sauropod?

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6. Which of these is a film featuring dinosaurs?

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1. Which of the following prehistoric creatures is a dinosaur?

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2. Which dinosaur's name means 'Arm Lizard'?

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3. What is the heaviest known stegosaur?

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4. Who wrote the novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, which features various dinosaurs?

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5. Which was the slowest of the dinosaurs?

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6. Who wrote the 1912 dinosaur themed novel 'The Lost World'?

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1. Which dinosaur's name means 'black mountain lizard'?

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2. What was the weight in pounds of a Dravidosaurus?

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3. Which of these actors stars in the time-travelling dinosaur film A Sound of Thunder?

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4. How did dinosaurs reproduce?

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5. What's the most amount of money dinosaur fossils have sold for at auction?

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6. Which of these actors starred in the 1960 film The Lost World?

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1. The hadrosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur, was the first full skeleton of a dinosaur found in which continent?

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2. Which animal's ancestors did not live during the time of dinosaurs?

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3. The name Pachycephalosaurus means what?

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4. Who played a Velociraptor private investigator in the film Anonymous Rex?

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5. What was the weight in pounds of a Hadrosaurus?

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6. Which dinosaur's name means 'heavy claws'?

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1. The name of which dinosaur means, 'shark-toothed lizard'?

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2. Which dinosaur's name means 'Bird Mimic'?

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3. Which of these is the name of a World Heritage Site in southern England?

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4. During what period did Velociraptors live?

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5. How many known species of Velociraptor were there?

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6. The Late Jurassic herbivore Camarasaurus' feet resembles the present day what?

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1. Who played the role of Robert Muldoon in Jurassic Park?

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2. What does the name Thyreophora mean?

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3. Which TV show features a curious young Tyrannosaurus Rex named Buddy?

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4. The jaws of Deinonychus were lined with lots of small serrated teeth, why were they curved backwards?

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5. In what year was the film Adventures in Dinosaur City released?

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6. What was the weight in pounds of a Euoplocephalus?

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1. The dinosaur sequence in Disney's Fantasia features which piece of monk?

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2. Which of these is not a close relative of T-Rex?

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3. The name of which predator means 'New Hunter'?

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4. What did most dinosaurs snack on?

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5. What is the officially designated state dinosaur of Colorado?

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6. Which of these actresses stars in the film Theodore Rex?

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1. The Camptosaurus lived during which period?

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2. Which of these is not a real dinosaur name?

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3. The mokele-mbembe is a dinosaur like created purported to exist in which continent?

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4. What does Dilophosaurus mean?

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5. Which dinosaur's name means 'Tyrant Lizard'?

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6. Which of these actors stars in Jurassic World?

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1. Which dinosaur's name means 'deceptive lizard'?

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2. Who played the role of Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park?

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3. What is the shortest known armored dinosaur?

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4. Which video game character is occampanied by a green dinosaur called Yoshi?

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5. Which of these dinosaurs is the heaviest?

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6. In what year was the first film adaptation of The Lost World released?

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1. Which London park contains models of dinosaurs created by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins in the last century?

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2. Who plays the lead role of Trent Walker in Cowboys vs Dinosaurs?

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3. What type of dinosaur features on the logo of the Toronto based NBA basketball team?

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4. What dinosaur themed book was turned into a blockbuster movie in 1993?

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5. Who composed the music for the film Jurassic Park?

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6. Which of these actresses stars in the film The Last Dinosaur?

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1. In what year was the film The Dinosaur Project released?

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2. How many horns did Triceratops have?

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3. What was the weight in pounds of a Pachycephalosaurus?

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4. For three-quarters of its length, the tail of Deinonychus was stiff. What did this stiff tail help with?

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5. What did Parasaurolophus have on its head?

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6. Which of these is the name of a dinosaur?

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1. Which dinosaur's name means 'Bird Robber'?

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2. The Hadrosaurus lived during which period?

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3. What was the weight in pounds of a Corythosaurus?

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4. What was the length in feet of a Claosaurus?

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5. What does 'dinosaur' actually mean?

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