
101 Philosophy Trivia Questions to Expand Your Mind

I think, therefore I am…good at trivia.


June 21, 2022

Philosophy has been one of the lights of human civilization for millennia. From Plato and Confucius to bell hooks and Jacques Derrida, philosophers have and continue to deepen the human relationship with the world and expand our love of truth.

But sometimes it’s time to put down the philosophy tomes, put a pause on your big thoughts, and test your knowledge. If you’re a would-be philosopher or simply a devotee of wisdom, try out these philosophy trivia questions and answers to prove your knowledge.

How old was Nietzche when he became a university professor? Who wrote ‘The Phenomenology of Spirit?’ How did Socrates die? What in the world is a Platonic form? If you can answer any or all of these questions, you’re well on your way to true wisdom--and to finishing this quiz.

Once you’re done with the philosophy trivia quiz, try out these quizzes on Harry Potter questions, book quotes, and book trivia questions.

Showing 101 Philosophy trivia questions and answers

1. What was the name of Siddhartha's Gautama's first son?

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2. Where was Ludwig Wittgenstein held as a POW in the first World War?

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3. What nationality was philosopher Ramon Llull?

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4. Which of the following was heavily influenced by Jeremy Bentham?

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5. What nationality was the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein?

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6. When did Simone de Beauvoir release The Second Sex?

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1. Thales of Miletus was born in which country?

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2. What century did David Hume live and work?

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3. What year did Edmund Burke die?

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4. Republic and Apology were major works of which philosopher?

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5. What completes the title of a landmark Michel Foucault work 'The Order of….'?

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6. What year saw the birth of Karl Marx?

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1. In what year was Benedictus Spinoza born?

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2. In which year did Karl Marx die?

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3. Which philosophers father was physician to King Phillip of Macedon?

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4. Which philosopher is often considered the last of the Roman philosopher?

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5. What nationality was Theodor Adorno?

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6. What nationality was Rene Descartes?

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1. What was the first name of the famous philosopher Machiavelli?

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2. What year marked the birth of Aristotle?

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3. Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini in what modern day country?

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4. What year saw the death of Niccolo Machiavelli?

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5. John Langshaw Austin famously wrote 'How to do things wit ____'?

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6. Dao De Jing is a work by which famous philosopher?

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1. Which philosopher was brought up in the Chinese province of Lu?

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2. Complete the famous Jean Paul Sarte quote 'Hell is Other….'?

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3. John Duns Scotus was from which country?

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4. What nationality was philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche?

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5. Complete the Bertrand Russell quote 'War doe not determine who is right - only who is ___'?

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6. Which philosopher is attributed with the quote 'Every Realm of nature is Marvellous'?

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1. In what year was Confucius born?

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2. Which is regarded as the founder of Chinese philosophy?

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3. In which country was Anslem of Canterbury born?

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4. Which of these philosopher was accused of treason and executed in 523?

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5. What nationality was Immanuel Kant?

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6. In what year did Jean Paul Sartre refuse the Nobel Prize for Literature?

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1. Where did Aristotle set up his Lyceum school?

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2. From which country did Erasmus hail?

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3. Which of the following philosophers is most associated with Utilitarianism?

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4. What nationality was Miguel de Unamuno?

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5. Which philosopher is attributed with the quote 'All things are numbers'?

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6. In what century did Gilbert Ryle live?

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1. Which of the following Philosopher was not from China?

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2. In what year did Friedrich Nietzsche die?

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3. David Hume hailed from which country?

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4. In which country was Aristotle born?

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5. In what century did Karl Popper live?

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6. What year saw the birth of Immanuel Kant?

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1. Francisco Suarez hailed from which country?

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2. What year saw the birth of Plato?

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3. Which of these philosopher has a crater on the moon named after them?

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4. Which philosopher is regarded as the father of Daoism?

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5. Which philosopher was born in 384 BC in Greece?

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6. Which philosopher was born in 570bc in Greece?

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1. Mao Zedong stated which philosopher was 'the Philosopher of the people'?

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2. Complete the famous Pythagoras quote…'All things are…'?

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3. What nationality is Saul Kripke?

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4. Francis Bacon published his seminal work Novum Organum in which year?

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5. Plotinus was a philosopher from which country?

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6. Sun Yat Sen stated which philosopher was 'the Philosopher of the people'?

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1. Complete the name of the famous work by John Rawls 'A Theory of….'?

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2. What was the middle name of American philosopher Charles Peirce?

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3. Ludwig Wittgenstein was born in which year?

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4. What nationality was Auguste Comte?

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5. Ernst Bloch and Karl Jaspers hailed from which country?

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6. Which country was home to Niccolo Machiavelli?

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1. Siddharta Gautama was the founder of which religion?

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2. In Praise of Folly (1509) is a work by whom?

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3. Friedrich Nietzsche was born in what decade?

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4. Fill in the blank in the title of a famous Jean Paul Sartre lecture 'Existenalism is a …'?

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5. Arne Naess is a philosopher from which country?

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6. What nationality is philosopher Julia Kristeva?

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1. Hans-Georg Gadamer famously wrote the work 'Truth and _____'?

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2. Which of the following philosophers served Ostrogoth King of Italy?

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3. Which of these was a pupil of Socrates?

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4. Who was sent to Athens aged 17 to study at Plato's Academy?

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5. John Stuart Mill came from which country?

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6. What was the middle name of Karl Popper?

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1. What nationality was philosopher Titus Brandsma?

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2. Complete the title of a famous work by Simone de Beauvoir 'The Second…'?

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3. Karl Popper hailed from which country?

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4. In what year did Gilles Deleuze write 'What is Philosophy?'?

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5. In what century did the Philosopher Plotinus live?

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6. Gilbert Ryle was born in which country?

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1. Willard Van Orman Quine was from which country?

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2. What nationality was Thomas Aquinas?

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3. What nationality was philosopher William James?

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4. Incoherence of the Incoherence' is a famous work by whom?

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5. Consolation of Philosophy' is a work by which influential philosopher?

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6. Which philosopher was born in 280BC in China?

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1. Peter Strawons hails from which country?

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2. Who is often considered the first of the Scholastic Philosophers?

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3. Which philosopher acted as a tutor to Alexander the Great?

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4. What nationality was the philosopher Martin Heidegger?

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5. Rudolf Carnap was born in which country?

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6. Jose Oretga Y Gasset was born in which country?

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1. Wu-Wei is a notion associated with which philosopher?

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2. The Book of Healing and Canon of Medicine were works by which medical philosopher?

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3. The Book of Virtue and The Book of the Way are works by which philosopher?

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4. In what year did Al-Ghazali die?

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5. What year saw the birth of John Locke?

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