
24 Christmas Movie Trivia Questions For A Festive Film Quiz Night

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas Movie

November 13, 2023

Christmas movies are some of the most enjoyable ways to laugh with your loved ones throughout the holiday season. 

Every year it seems there are more and more movies that come out that add to the joy! However, there are a few classics that you likely know every word to, including family favorites like A Christmas Story, Home Alone, or Miracle on 34th Street! 

Try this fun holiday movie trivia quiz the next time you and your friends gather around the television to test your knowledge about the Christmas classics. With these Christmas movie trivia questions and answers, you are sure to have a great time and maybe learn a new fact about your favorite film!

Did you enjoy this quiz and want more Christmas trivia questions like this? Try our Jingle All the Way, Elf Movie, Polar Express or Nightmare Before Christmas trivia! Each quiz is packed with movie-specific questions that will get your gears turning!

Showing 24 Christmas Movie trivia questions and answers

1. In the movie ‘Elf’, what is Buddy’s full name?

❌ Better luck next time! The correct answer is .

🤘 Rock on!

2. In ‘Jingle All The Way’ what is the toy that everyone is after?

❌ So close! The correct answer is .

👏 Bravo!

3. In ‘Polar Express’ there is a picture of Hero Boy on Santa’s lap, what department store is he in?

❌ Oops a daisy! The correct answer is .

🥂 Here's to you!

4. In ‘A Christmas Story’ what song were Ralphie, Randy, and his mother singing before the got a flat tire?

❌ Oops. The correct answer is .

👍 Nice work!

5. What year was ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ released?

❌ Oh dear, try another one. The correct answer is .

🎉 Hooray!

6. What does Jack Skellington from ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ call Santa Claus?

❌ Soldier on! The correct answer is .

👏 Way to go!

1. How many Oscars did ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ win?

❌ So close! The correct answer is .

🙌 You’re awesome!

2. What present does Ralphie want more than anything for Christmas in ‘A Christmas Story’?

❌ Oops. The correct answer is .

💯 Perfect!

3. In the movie ‘Home Alone’ where is the McCallister family planning to spend Christmas?

❌ Oops a daisy! The correct answer is .

👍 Good job!

4. In ‘The Santa Claus’ movie what is the name of the head elf at the North Pole?

❌ Soldier on! The correct answer is .

👏 Bravo!

5. In ‘Elf’ who plays Buddy the Elf?

❌ Better luck next time! The correct answer is .

🙌 You’re awesome!

6. On which day does the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation end?

❌ Oh dear, try another one. The correct answer is .

🎯 Bullseye!

1. What’s the name of the mountain the Grinch lives on?

❌ Stick it out! The correct answer is .

👏 Way to go!

2. In what year did the film ‘Ernest Saves Christmas’ come out?

❌ So close! The correct answer is .

💯 Perfect!

3. How many siblings does Kevin have in ‘Home Alone’?

❌ Better luck next time! The correct answer is .

👍 Good job!

4. In ‘It’s a wonderful life’ what is the name of George Bailey's guardian angel?

❌ Hang in there! The correct answer is .

🙌 You’re awesome!

5. In ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ who is put on trial?

❌ Wrong. Maybe your finger slipped? The correct answer is .

🎉 Hooray!

6. In the movie ‘Scrooged’ the Ghost of Christmas Past appears as what?

❌ Whoops! The correct answer is .

👍 Nice work!

1. In which city is ‘Love Actually’ set?

❌ Oops. The correct answer is .

👍 Nice work!

2. Who directed ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’?

❌ Better luck next time! The correct answer is .

👏 Way to go!

3. In ‘Bad Santa’ what Christmas gift does Willie want?

❌ Oh dear, try another one. The correct answer is .

🥂 Here's to you!

4. Who's the evil magician in "Frosty the Snowman"?

❌ Soldier on! The correct answer is .

👍 Good job!

5. What's the name of the Grinch's dog in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"?

❌ So close! The correct answer is .

🎯 Bullseye!

6. In "A Christmas Story," what gift does Ralphie get from his Aunt Clara?

❌ Oops a daisy! The correct answer is .

🤘 Rock on!
